Impact of Missing Corners of the House in Feng Shui (Updated!)
Welcome to exploring the impact of missing corners in Feng Shui. At the heart of Feng Shui lies the principle of balancing and directing energy flow. A well-designed space harnesses positive energy, fostering harmony and well-being.
In Feng Shui, a house is viewed as a holistic energy system comprised of eight distinct energies (Bagua). Visualize your floor plan as a cake, divided into 8 smaller slices. Each "slice" corresponds to one of the Bagua trigrams, representing unique qualities, elements, and life aspects like career, relationships, health, and wealth. Just as each slice completes the whole cake, every trigram contributes to life's overall energies and facets. Our ideal goal is a complete cake, signifying harmonious and balanced energy.
However, missing corners disrupt this balanced energy, resulting in imbalances and the lack of certain energies. For example, if you're a leader aspiring for career growth, a missing corner associated with leadership energy can impede your progress. Recognizing these gaps empowers you to take proactive steps to restore balance and optimize energy flow within your living space.
I summarized the representation of each direction in the table below.
Direction | Gua | Element | Person | Body Parts | Characteristics |
North West | 乾 Qian | Metal | Father | Head, Bone | Leadership, Career, Wealth, Strategy, Importancy |
West | 兑 Dui | Metal | Youngest Daughter | Mouth, Tongue, Respiratory System, Lung | Persuasion, Enjoyment, Entertainment |
South West | 坤 Kun | Earth | Mother | Digestive System, Abdomen | Stable, Embrace, Customers, Subordinate |
South | 离 Li | Fire | Middle Daughter | Eye, Heart, Blood Circulation | Passionate, Reputation, Appearance, Branding |
South East | 巽 Xun | Wood | Eldest Daughter | Nerve, Liver, Gallbladder, Buttock | Direction, Marketing, Advertising |
East | 震 Zhen | Wood | Eldest Son | Legs, Liver, Gallbladder | Growth, Take Action, Speed, Aggressive |
North East | 艮 Gen | Earth | Youngest Son | Hands, Stomach, Pancrea | Stable, Platforms, Wealth Management |
North | 坎 Kan | Water | Middle Son | Kidney, bladder, ear, and genitourinary system | Wisdom, Creativity, Flexibility, Strategy |
How to determine a missing corner on your floor plan?
To determine a missing corner on your floor plan, draw a rectangular box on the outer walls of the house on the floor plan. The missing areas of the floor plan will be visible within the rectangular box and are referred to as missing corners in Feng Shui. Below are examples of HDB BTO February 2022, Ulu Panda Glades floor plans, the areas shaded in pink are missing corners.
What’s Next?
Map the compass direction of your house on the floor plan.
Check if you get missing corners to fix or avoid.
You can always discover The Missing Corners Remedies for each direction below: