North-West Activation


  1. AURA Q7 Earth Energy Kit, Yellow/Orange 🟨.

  2. Yellow Jades x 8 pieces.

  3. Compass or mobile phone compass.

  4. AURA Q7 Purification Incense and White Sage*, used for purification.

  5. Flashlight with WLSR Energy Sticker or WLSR Energy Torchlight, used for energy activation.

  6. Optional: A box to store items #1 and #2, preferably transparent.

    Notes: The most important element for purification is the AURA Q7 Purification Incense, with sage being secondary.


  1. AURA Q7土能量盘,橙黄色 🟨。

  2. 黄玉石8粒。

  3. 指南针或手机指南针。

  4. AURA除障香和鼠尾草*,用于净化的时候。

  5. 手电筒与WLSR制能贴,或WLSR制能灯,用于启动能量的时候。

  6. 可选:透明盒子用来装#1和#2。


Find a suitable place in the NORTH-WEST to place the energy kit, preferably buried under the floor tiles or placed close to the ground, such as on the floor or inside a cabinet.


Place the 8 Yellow Jade Stones on the AURA Earth Energy Kit at the NORTH-WEST position. Ensure the small sticker labeled [东土] faces upwards, aligning towards the EAST.


Find a suitable place in the NORTH-WEST to place the energy kit, preferably buried under the floor tiles or placed close to the ground, such as on the floor or inside a cabinet.


Find a suitable place in the NORTH-WEST to place the energy kit, preferably buried under the floor tiles or placed close to the ground, such as on the floor or inside a cabinet.
